
Gadgets and Gizmos
Six Steps to Saving Money on Your Cell Phone
Jan 12, 2007, 22:20

(NC)-Industry Canada has produced an excellent new checklist for consumers on cell phones. The checklist can help you discover who you are as a cell phone user so you don't pay for things you don't want. Here are six steps from the checklist to help you get a grip on your cell phone costs.

. Cell phone basics - First of all, determine if there's cell phone coverage where you will be using your phone. Remember you'll be charged by the minute or various increments of time and be prepared for extra charges for things like network access, 911 access and taxes.

. When will you be making calls? Time is of the essence when buying a cell phone and plan. Really sit down and think about when you use your phone the most, and the times of day your provider's evening and weekend plans kick in. And remember you usually have to pay for calls you receive as well. Some evening plans don't start until 9 p.m.

. Features - Text messaging, long distance, roaming charges, caller ID, voice mail, Internet. These are all excellent features if you need them, but they can be expensive. So choose carefully. The Checklist can help.

. The phone itself - Battery life, volume, keypad, screen, size. These are all features to research before you buy.

. Pre-paid cards or contract? There are advantages and disadvantages to both, depending on what you want your phone to do, and what your long-term needs are. Again, the Checklist can help.

. Understanding your cell phone bill - If you already have a cell phone plan, carefully go over your bill, line by line. When are you using your minutes? Are your long distance charges too high? Are you in the right plan? Would you be better off with a pre-paid card or different supplier?

You can get a grip on your cell phone costs. It takes a bit of time but it's worth it. You can download the Industry Canada cell phone checklist at

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