
Computers and The Internet
Slip Into Something More Comfortable
Jan 3, 2008, 20:32

(NAPSI)-According to a recent study, the average consumer spends approximately six hours per day on the computer.

Many users try to make their space more comfortable with a well-chosen chair or a properly adjusted desk in their workspace, but one industry leader is taking the concept of comfort a step further-with a computer setup that's been designed for ergonomic satisfaction.

When setting up an ergonomic workstation, it can help to follow a few tips from the experts at Cornell University:

• The top of your computer monitor should be about two to three inches above eye level.

• Use an optical glass anti-glare filter, if needed.

• Sit at arm's length from the monitor, with your feet on the floor or on a stable footrest.

• Use a keyboard that's designed for comfort. For instance, the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Desktop 7000 combines best-in-class design and 2.4-GHz technology for a confident wireless connection. This new model represents the ultimate wireless desktop experience and makes time spent on the computer more comfortable and productive.

Keyboard is Key

Taking the award-winning design from Microsoft's best-selling Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 and adding wireless connectivity, the Desktop 7000 includes several features for supreme comfort.

The proprietary "gull wing" design brings keys closer to the user's fingers, reducing reach and unnecessary motion while encouraging a more natural position.

The design even provides health benefits, since fixed alternative keyboard designs have been associated with a significant reduction of carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.

Even as they go wireless, users experience a confident connection with virtually no interference. Intelligent technology "hops" frequency when it encounters interference, making this ideal for corporate or home environments with multiple computers. Plus, eliminating wires on the desk also means less clutter and a more organized space.

The desktop also comes with the Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 7000, which was inspired by the shape of a baseball and is driven by the way a hand rests in a relaxed state, with the wrist more parallel to the side of the body and the fingers maintaining their relaxed curl. This allows the user to rest comfortably on the side of the hand, rather than on the carpal tunnel area.

To learn more, visit the Web site at

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