
Small Acts Can Have Big Impacts On The Environment
May 19, 2008, 18:46

(NAPSI)-Protecting the environment is easier than you might imagine.

Every room in your home offers opportunities to make small changes that can have a big impact on the environment.

Eco-lifestyle expert Kim Carlson offers a few simple tips to help your family become more eco-friendly:

In the Kitchen

• Store leftovers in an eco-friendly way. Try reusable containers rather than storing food in plastic bags or foil.

• Boil water in a covered pot. It takes less energy.

• Use the microwave rather than the cooktop whenever possible to save up to 80 percent of the energy compared with an oven.

In the Laundry Room

• Wash full loads of clothes to save water and electricity.

• To dry clothes faster and use less electricity, throw in a dry towel with the damp clothes.

• Use a concentrated laundry detergent such as ‘all’ small & mighty 3x concentrated laundry detergent, the most concentrated detergent out there, which saves environmental resources such as plastic and cardboard in packaging and diesel fuel when shipped to stores.

Its three-times concentrated formula is packed into a small bottle that offers the same powerful clean and uses 50 percent less plastic than the regular 100-ounce size.

Last year alone ‘all’ small & mighty saved more than six million pounds of plastic. That’s the equivalent of about 110 million plastic forks, spoons and knives. Just think how many picnic baskets that would fill!

With its 3x concentrated formula, ‘all’ small & mighty also saved four million pounds of cardboard and 800,000 gallons of fuel last year. That’s enough cardboard to cover 547 football fields!

In the Rest of the House

• Switch to energy-efficient lightbulbs that give off the same amount of light but run on a third of the power.

• Reduce the setting on your hot water heater to 120 degrees. Each 10-degree reduction can save three to five percent in energy costs.

• Use a power strip for electronics and turn it off when not in use to avoid phantom power loss.

When Shopping

• Buy items with postconsumer recycled content.

• Buy durable products that last.

• Group errands can help to save gas.

By implementing such small changes to your lifestyle and by carefully considering which products you buy, everyone can do his or her part in making the world a healthier place to live in.

Visit to learn more about the environmental benefits of ‘all’ small & mighty and to learn other great tips on little things you can do to help the environment.

Shop carefully. Buying detergent in a concentrated form can save environmental resources such as plastic, cardboard and gas.

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