
Solve Your Dogs Behavior Problems With Obedience Training
Sep 29, 2006, 20:40

Any problems associated with behavior can be complicated, but what if you are dealing with a dog? Man considers dogs as his best friend, but it is still an animal. Its level of thinking is not the same as that of the human being. The fact that man does not understand the order in the animal kingdom is what helps the problem of dog behavior arise.

The best thing to do in order to solve your dog’s behavioral problem is to train it to be obedient. Obedience training will somehow create a language between you and your dog. That way, the two of you can have an effective communication.

Without proper training, your dog will act just like any other animal. Untrained dogs will soil your house, bark excessively, fight with other dogs, destroy your furniture, dig holes, and it may even bite you. These are all ‘normal’ canine activities. All you can do is to train your dog to redirect its natural canine behavior to certain acceptable outlets of the society.

Training your dogs to be obedient is also one way to show that ‘you’ are in charge. It lets your dog know your are the Alpha personality, or to put it plainly, The Boss. Train your dog to be a good subordinate to establish the so-called social hierarchy. Dogs enjoy doing simple instructions like sit down, come here, and shake hands.

Aside from being able to establish a good relationship with your dog, obedience training can be fun and rewarding as well. You will find living with your dog truly enjoyable, and you can even allow a greater amount of dog freedom.

So when is the right time to train your dog? The answer is now. It does not really matter whether it is still a pup or an old dog. It is never to early or to late to begin. Your dog’s behavior constantly changes.

An effective training session with your dog is one that is sweet and short. Your dog will find lengthy training sessions dull and too boring. It is best if the dog’s favorite daily activities infiltrate the training, and the training infiltrates the dog’s activities. That way, training is just like any other ordinary dog activity.

If your dog exhibits good behavior, give him a reward or a simple praise. It is important to give some form of reward for good behavior because your dog will learn more quickly. In addition, do not take for granted the good behavior of your dog; make it a point to praise him every now and then. Reward and praise are essential to maintain your dog’s good behavior.

There are also times when you need to reprimand your dog. Just make it sharp, short, and immediate. Avoid nagging your dog and reprimand him only when you catch him doing something wrong.

Some dog owners take notice only of the dog’s bad behavior. Dog’s tend to ignore their owner because every now and then they are being shouted at with ‘get off’, ‘get out’, ‘no’ and many more. Why not do it in a nice way; if your dog has done something wrong then show him what you want done and if he obeys, praise him or give him a reward.

The last thing to remember, never ever hit, spank, kick or slap your dog. By doing so, you are likely to create more problems. You cannot earn your dog’s obedience or respect through inappropriate punishment. Surely, you do not want a fearful, aggressive, leery, chewing, hand-shy, and barking dog.

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