
Help Your Family Stay in Shape How to Make a Family Exercise Routine
Sep 28, 2006, 20:21

With obesity on the rise, creating a healthy lifestyle for your family grows more and more every day. Fast food has become a routine for many families. Grabbing a fast food burger and fries to scarf down, while crashing on the couch, is more common than not these days.

It is often said that what one generation does in moderation, the next will do in excess. The same can be said true of health and fitness among families. Show your kids that fitness is important by creating a family exercise routine. Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Choose a day and time that is convenient for the entire family. If your children are involved in after-school activities, or if you have late days at the office, be sure to schedule your family exercise time around these days/times.

2. Choose exercises the entire family is able to perform. Families with younger children should incorporate less vigorous routines for children. You don’t want to discourage your children from exercising with a workout that isn’t kid-friendly. Engage in fun exercises with your children then create a separate workout schedule for you and your spouse.

3. Be creative. Your family exercise routine doesn’t have to be boring and dull. You don’t have to do 50 push-ups and 75 sit-ups to have a good workout. Think fun. Incorporate scenic bike rides, walks in botanical parks, have a family dance off to funky music, or a roller skating derby night. Create a fun and exciting family exercise routine and your entire family will look forward to it every time.

4. Don’t overdo it. If your family doesn’t seem particularly enthused about your new exercise routine, don’t push it. Experts say it takes about 21 days to create a new habit, so don’t cancel your family exercise date. Instead, stop five minutes early. Take a water break. Reward your family with a healthy snack. Rent a new movie you’ve been dying to watch.

Creating an exercise routine for your family is easier than it may seem. Remember that you are setting an example for your children. You will teach them that exercise is fun and it will be a lesson they will keep thier whole life! Make your family exercise routine fun and exciting and your family will be begging for more!

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