
Weight Loss
Tackling Those Last Ten Pounds Simple Strategies Help You Sprint to Reach Your Goal
Sep 1, 2005, 01:34

(ARA) - Those last ten pounds you need to lose are the equivalent of somewhere around mile 20 in a marathon. It’s that point where you’re most inclined to “hit the wall” -- that plateau where you’re not that far from your goal, but you fear you just won’t be able to complete that last leg. Take a tip from long-distance runners: a little extra mental preparation can help you sprint across that finish line with confidence and pride.
Kelly Brownell, Ph.D., professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, and director of the Yale Center for Eating and Weight Disorders, suggests focusing on your behaviors rather than your weight. “Instead of over-scrutinizing those last ten pounds, look at the big picture of all the positive changes you’re made so far,” says Brownell. “Applaud yourself for continuing to make smart food choices, moving your body more every day, and having the right mental attitude for success.”

“Keep your expectations realistic,” adds Lisa Talamini, RD, chief nutritionist and program director for Jenny Craig, Inc. “Those last ten pounds are often the most difficult to lose, and won’t come off as quickly as the first ten did.

“Take a moment and revisit your reasons for losing weight,” adds Talamini. “Ask yourself -- why did you initially choose your desired weight? Have you already achieved what you want, in terms of your health and appearance? Or will losing ten more pounds help you realize those benefits?”

If you decide you look and feel just fine where you are -- congratulations! Celebrate your achievement and start immediately maintaining your new, healthy lifestyle. If you’d still like to shed those last few pounds, however, Talamini suggests you focus on short-term eating and exercise goals to keep you inspired along the way.

* Pay attention to your portions. Spot-check your servings at each meal to make sure you’re not experiencing “portion creep.” Remember that restaurant servings are often two to three times larger than what you should consume, so don’t forget that doggie bag!

* Exercise your options. You may be getting bored with your current fitness routine -- and your body may have become a little too adjusted to it. Try increasing the intensity, duration or frequency of what you enjoy doing now. Or cross-train to challenge new muscles and burn more calories, by incorporating a good variety of cardio, resistance and stretching activities.

* Break it up. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommend up to 60-90 minutes of physical activity per day to prevent weight regain. The good news is that all moderate movement counts, so you can accumulate your daily quota by playing catch with your kids, gardening, running around with your grandchildren at the park, or enjoying your weekly tennis game. Also feel free to break up your more structured exercise -- such as walking -- into smaller, manageable bouts throughout the day so that you can fit fitness into even the busiest of schedules.

* Rely on a little (more) help from your friends. Continue to surround yourself with a positive, supportive entourage. Some of the pals who encouraged you at the beginning of your weight loss journey may be telling you that you “look great now” and “don’t need to lose another pound.” While this is nice to hear, pay more heed to the advice of better-intentioned friends who will help keep you focused on your goals.

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