
Tips For New Parents
Nov 25, 2006, 02:05


Get used to them. You will be using them for at least two years. Most babies need a diaper change at every feeding or shortly after.

That means you will go through at least 8 diapers a day in the beginning months. You must keep checking to make sure your baby hasn't soiled or wet their diaper to avoid diaper rash. You must clean the area thoroughly every time, dry it, cream or powder it and put on the new diaper.

Diaper Rash

This is one of the reasons you must change your babies diaper as soon after he wets as you can. A baby's sensitive skin can be burned by the ammonia in urine. If you check your baby's diaper often, make sure the area is clean and dry, and keep a waterproof ointment on the baby's bottom you should be safe from diaper rash. If you do notice a rash starting call your doctor and ask what he recommends you to do to stop it.

Growth Spurts

Growth spurts happen often all through childhood, but the first year of life if full of them. Your baby can gain a pound in the first month of life. That is the same as a 160 pound man gaining 16 pounds. Growth spurts can be recognized by the parent who is aware of their baby's actions.

A growth spurt is usually preceded by a sleepy, lethargic day and a huge jump in your baby's appetite. Growth spurts may happen again at 3, 6, and 12 weeks and again at 4 and 6 months. When you begin to notice that your baby is not as satisfied with the regular amount that you have been feeding him, a growth spurt may be starting. If you are breast feeding, or not, when you recognize these times you may want to feed your baby a little more than usual.


Not everyone agrees with a baby's need for vaccinations. There are many conflicting views on children and immunizations. You may not be sure you want your child to get any. Talk to your doctor and tell him your fears and see what other options you have.

You may be able to find a parent in your area who feels the same way and has more information than you do, or you can call a local holistic doctor to see what his views on the subject are. My children have always gotten their vaccinations and had no ill effects accept crankiness on the day they got them.

Vaccinations are given for good reasons. There used to be many problems with diseases in epidemic proportions and vaccinations keep them from being a threat. So you must do your research and follow your own beliefs in this case.

Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers

If you breast feed, do not allow your child to use you as their pacifier. You can end up nursing all day and night if you do this. If your baby has the need to suck beyond eating, then you need to give them a pacifier.

There is no “nipple confusion” between a breast nipple and a pacifier as they are very different in feel and taste. Babies will know the difference between the two. Some children do not want a pacifier but will suck on their thumb. If you don't have a problem with it, then let them.

Spitting Up

This is another thing you should get used to. Some babies spit up every time they eat. It is a normal thing, some babies just do it more than others. I am not talking about throwing up, just spit up.

Some babies need to be burped more often than others because they suck a lot of air into their bellies while they are feeding. If your baby spits up a lot you may want to try burping them after every half ounce or ounce and it may cut it down a bit.

As long as your baby is growing normally and gaining weight each month you need not worry. You may want to mention it to your doctor just to get his opinion. I found myself asking my doctor about almost everything!

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