
New Treatment Option Saves Time In Treating Cellulite
May 9, 2008, 19:44

(NAPSI)-New advances in the treatment of cellulite are making it easier to look your best in less time.

That’s welcome news for women who can relate to the dreaded word “cellulite” or the many slang phrases used to describe it, such as orange peel legs or cottage cheese thighs.

Nearly 90 percent of women experience some degree of cellulite, and demand for noninvasive cellulite treatments in the United States is expected to nearly double to over 750,000 procedures per year by 2011, according to a study published in 2007 by the Millennium Research Group.

Cellulite does not discriminate and it commonly appears on the legs and buttocks areas. Even seemingly perfect celebrities are not immune to cellulite, as demonstrated by recent media photos that caught the stars enjoying beach vacations in bikinis!

Cellulite is caused by fat cells that push up against surrounding fibrous connective tissue. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not caused by excess weight; in fact, several factors influence whether a person has cellulite and these include genetics, gender, body fat percentage, age, and thickness of skin.

There is no exact science regarding the cause or treatment of cellulite. The vast number of complicated regimens, invasive surgeries and other methods available that promise to reduce cellulite often do not produce long-lasting results and leave women disappointed.

While there is no cure for this condition, the best way to reduce the appearance of cellulite is to fight it with a combination of a healthy diet that includes plenty of water, regular exercise and a noninvasive cellulite treatment.

There have been considerable recent advances with noninvasive technologies for cellulite that are able to reduce the appearance of cellulite, but usually require multiple clinic visits and may only last a short time.

Instead of multiple treatments with a doctor or complicated regimens of expensive over-the-counter creams and lotions that don’t show significant results, women can now turn to a new noninvasive technology for cellulite reduction; women may see results immediately and they improve over time.

The Cellulite Procedure by Thermage is an excellent option for patients who do not want to experience the downtime, health risks, or costs associated with more invasive procedures for cellulite, such as liposuction.

The Thermage system is cleared by the FDA for the temporary improvement in the appearance of cellulite. The Cellulite procedure produces results in a single treatment.

Ideal candidates for noninvasive cellulite procedures are women who are interested in reducing the appearance of cellulite on the thigh and buttocks area and have been frustrated in the past by treatments that do not demonstrate results.

The procedures are safe and patients rarely exhibit any serious side effects. Since they are administered in a doctor’s office, patients can usually return to normal activities immediately following the procedure.

For more information or to schedule a consultation with a physician who performs The Cellulite Procedure by Thermage, log on to or call (877) 782-2286.

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