
Healthy Living
Tune Up Your Body this Winter
By Tara Madden
Nov 12, 2007, 22:34

(NC)-Getting anxious to hit the slopes, grab those snowshoes or find the biggest tobogganing hill in the neighbourhood? Outdoor enthusiasts are gearing up for a great winter season full of activity. The first snowfall doesn't happen soon enough for these winter fans.

If you are looking forward to getting the most out of your winter activities, take note of some basic advice to ensure you make the most out of winter. Preparation for an outdoor winter activity, including conditioning the areas of the body that are most vulnerable, will help avoid potential injury.

Start with some light aerobic activity (for example, jogging, running on the spot or fast walking) for seven to ten minutes. Then follow these tips to help you get into shape for the winter season:

. Skiing

Do 10 to 15 squats. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart, knees aligned over your feet. Slowly lower your buttocks as you bend your knees over your feet. Stand up straight again. Ensure that you do not completely straighten your legs during squats and only squat down to a comfortable distance.

. Skating

Do several lunges. Take a moderately advanced step with one foot. Make sure your knee is just over your toes. Let your back knee come down to the floor while keeping your shoulders in position over your hips. Repeat the process with your other foot.

. Sledding/tobogganing

Do standing back bends to relieve strain in your lower back caused by repetitive bouncing over the snow. Place your hands in the small of your back and slowly arch backwards. Repeat five times.

Don't forget to cool down after winter sports to prevent stiffness in your muscles. If after any of these activities you feel sore, apply an ice bag to the affected area for 20 minutes, then take it off for a couple of hours. Repeat a couple of times each day over the next day or two.

Consult your chiropractor about your general health and preparing your body for winter activities. Chiropractors are experts in back, muscle and joint disorders and are specifically trained to diagnose and effectively treat them. More information on chiropractic, including where to find a chiropractor near you, is available at

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