
Gadgets and Gizmos
Saving Money? Say Hello to Broadband Phone Service
Sep 20, 2005, 20:03

(NUI) - Did your last telephone bill come with sticker shock?

Today, many people are saying goodbye to their standard phone service and saving money by making calls through their Internet connection.

More American households are now wired for broadband, which improves Internet voice call quality. As a result, services offered by companies like New Jersey-based Vonage are in high demand.

Vonage allows you to use your regular home phone and current phone number to place calls through the Internet for a low monthly fee. All you need is a broadband Internet connection.

How does it work? Plug in your phone to the Vonage phone adapter, which acts as an entire phone network. Then, plug in the adapter to your high-speed Internet connection.

The adapter converts your voice to a digital signal, which is then recognized as data and travels over the Internet. Behind the scenes, your number looks very much like an e-mail address.

So, how much can you save? Vonage's basic plan offers 500 minutes of calling anywhere in the United States and Canada for $15 a month, including caller ID, voice mail, call forwarding and several other features. For $35 per month, you can have unlimited calling anywhere in the United States and Canada.

Vonage's service also comes with a few extras your standard phone company does not provide. Have you heard of a virtual telephone number? When you sign up with Vonage, you can actually choose an additional number from any area code in the network. Living in Montana doesn't mean you can't have a New York City phone number.

Furthermore, you can check your voice messages from your computer, store them on your computer's hard drive and even get e-mail notification when there is a voice mail waiting for you.

Convenience is an added benefit. With this service, your area code can travel with you. By bringing the Vonage phone adapter along, even overseas, friends back home can call you like it's a local, domestic call.

To learn more about broadband telephone service, visit

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