
Winter Wellness
Feb 26, 2006, 17:20

(ARA) - Why is it that winter seems to take so much out of us? Is it the holidays, the cold weather, or the continuous fight to keep from catching a cold or getting the flu? For whatever reason it’s more work to be healthy in the wintertime than in the summer months.

In the summer we happily take in the sun and spend more time outdoors. But because it’s so cold outside, in the winter, we stay inside venturing out only to shovel snow or run to and from the car. Our skin gets dry, our throats get sore, and our immune system is constantly working overtime to keep us healthy throughout the season.

You could take extra vitamins, stock up on cough drops and try using more moisturizer, but none of those really get to the root of the problem. The solution -- humidifiers. Studies show that the human body needs proper humidification to maintain overall health and well being. Since most people spend over 90 percent of their time indoors, adding humidity to the air in your home or office can help improve the air quality and combat the negative effects of dry air and dehydration.

Humidifiers help to prevent some of the symptoms of dry air and dehydration which include dry skin, sore eyes, raspy throat, chronic joint and muscle pain, sinus and nasal pain, a lack of concentration and a decrease in the body’s immune system. Using a humidifier in your bedroom overnight, when so much dehydration of the skin occurs, helps put moisture back into your skin, which in turn helps to keep it soft and makes it look and feel younger. Granted it’s not an overnight transformation, but with the continuous use of a humidifier throughout the winter months you can put back what nature takes away.

The lack of humidity can also be harmful for your plants and animals. Humidifiers are great for putting moisture back into the soil of your plants and back into your animal’s skin. They also help to keep wood furniture and floors from drying and cracking during the winter months.

One brand of humidifiers that really stands out is Holmes humidifiers. There are a variety of styles and sizes to help you select the right humidifier for your room, at a cost that will make you rethink what you spend on moisturizers, cough drops and vitamins each year. They also offer a number of features from remotes and timers to dishwasher safe parts and digital humidistats. A bedroom size humidifier like the Holmes Cool Mist model (HM1760) is an easy way to start combating the affects of winter. What’s best about it…it’s easy to use, it’s the right size, and the right price.

Holmes humidifiers are available at Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Sears and True Value stores. Log on to to learn more about the features they offer. Courtesy of ARA Content

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