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You’ve Invented the Next Big Idea! Now What?
Jan 26, 2006, 22:26

(ARA) - Move over Thomas Edison! You’ve just had a eureka moment for the world’s next great modern marvel. Now, the hard part begins -- ensuring your brilliant idea comes to life. Here’s a five-step guide that will turn your big idea into the next big thing!

1. Make sure your invention is new and practical.

Your first steps to becoming America’s next great inventor are to make sure that a) no one else has already patented this brilliant idea and b) that your invention is useful. Conduct a preliminary search to ensure that no one else already holds a patent for your idea. Also, ask yourself -- is this a practical invention that people would be willing to pay for?

2. Keep records that document your discovery.

Keep complete and accurate records of your concept and experimentation. Be sure to write everything down. Ask a trusted friend to sign and date your records to help affix the date of your discovery.

3. Research existing patents and literature relating to your invention.

Check out the library at a university near you to expand your preliminary search for existing patents and publications related to your invention. Do some additional digging to establish that your idea is novel and not obvious.

4. Study and analyze existing patents and literature.

During your research, pay close attention to those patents or publications that describe an idea similar to yours. Differentiating your idea from others out there may be difficult. Look into consulting a registered patent practitioner. Together, you will be able to decide whether or not you have a fair chance of getting patent protection for your invention.

5. Prepare and file the patent application documents.

When your idea is ready to roll, contact the United States Patent and Trademark Office to submit your patent application. Check out the USPTO’s website for more information (

And voila! You are on your way to becoming an independent inventor. But -- be patient! It can take up to two years for one patent application to be processed. In the meantime, there are several resources -- even contests -- to tap into that can help keep your idea moving forward.

Log on to the National Inventors Hall of Fame Web site ( to get familiar with the how-to’s of becoming an independent inventor. Also check out the Modern Marvels Invent Now Challenge (, a national competition to find America’s next great invention idea. The challenge is sponsored by The History Channel, Invent Now, Inc., a division of the National Inventors Hall of Fame Foundation and is jointly produced by TIME Magazine. The winner will receive the tools and training necessary to become the nation’s next great inventor -- beginning with a $25,000 grant.

Arm yourself with the inspiration you need by watching The History Channel signature series Modern Marvels to check out stories of past innovators who turned their brilliant ideas into reality.

With helpful resources at your fingertips and a little inspiration, you too can be added to the long list of America’s great inventors! Courtesy of ARA Content

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